Attracting Your Mate
It is very easy to attract a mate or anyone if you think that you can! If you understand a little metaphysics, the days of worrying and hoping and looking in singles bars are over. There is such a thing as the “Universal Metaphysical Law of Attraction.” I prefer to call it The cosmic Dating Services. It always works too, if you let it. You don’t have to worry about the where and the how. The person you are looking for will show up anywhere, when and only when you are ready. You merely have to think the right thoughts and let go of any resistance you have to receive.
Ready for a new relationship
Here some trouble-shooters you can use for starting a new relationship.
Love is innocent
Accept this concept; otherwise, you might have long periods of being mad and sad.
Also: If love makes you mad or sad, then you might not let yourself have much (or any).
If you are afraid and you suppress it, you will just create more scary things and become even more afraid, because
What you fear you attract.
The way out of fear it to let yourself feel it and talk about it; in this way you can “experience it out.”
It is safe to feel the fear
“Fear forward.” Study your fear, feel it, let it go of it. Remember the affirmation: “I am safe and immortal right now!”
Now note this:
Chances are, you have used one of the following to beat yourself up with:
Your body
Your Career
Your car.
Have you, or are you, using these things in some way to hurt yourself?
Why are you thinking you are so guilty?
Forgive yourself – click here – for your free forgiveness list
Instead of destroying yourself with those things, Destroy quilt!
Try this:
When you have a problem in the relationship that occupies your mind over and over again and causes you to worry and worry and worry…
Immediately – Give thanks it is over.
And try this:
When you feel you are ready to meet a new mate:
– Love yourself
– Praise God
– Relax
– Be happy
– Keep your heart soft and open
– Sing affirmations to yourself
– Be in love with life
– Smile
– Breathe a lot
– Give thanks
– Stay in certainty
-Stay “in love” all the time.
Then someone will surely show up!
P.S. “Doubt is out! – Intuition is in!”
And if all else fails ….
Talk to God, out loud!