Palace of Earth

Balance Your Element Earth
When you are in a Metal phase or it is your birth element, you need to work especially with the chakra’s which correspond to Fire and Metal.
Here is a description of the chakra energy associated at their most simplified level:
Element Earth: (Root chakra) – grounded, centered, waiting, acceptance.
Element Water (Sacral chakra) – receptive, creative, sensitive, sexual
Element Fire ( Solar Plexus chakra) – vitality, vision, enthusiasm, optimism
Element Wood (Heart chakra) – detached love, compassion, ideals, altruism
Element Metal (Throat chakra)- power, truth trust, responsibility
Vitalizing The Inner You During The Fivefold Year
As you can see, summer is the most auspicious time of year for Earth. This is a time when you are in natural harmony with your environment, and symboliccally the moon has just past its highest point in the sky. It has grown and learned from experience, and, like Earth people , can begin to express its wisdom with full purpose and meaning.
Earth season – Work with outer beauty, body, fitness and food
Autumn – Time to work with chakras for inner harmony
Winter – Concentrate om your environment at home
Spring – Best time for working on self-empowerment
Summer – work on outer style and inner feast

By becoming more receptive to these outer rhythms of life, you too can honor and find peace in the self-expression and communication that you truly seek. To help energize your inner warmth, ensure your bed, desk, favorite sofa, chair or view faces south-west or north-east, two auspicious directions for earth.