Personal Law

Personal Law

Your Personal Law

A personal law is your most negative thought about yourself. Let’s imagine that yours is “I never get what I really want.” Upon this, you would therefore have to build many negative beliefs. The worst part about your personal law is that you are consciously putting out a command to the universe telepathically whether you speak or not. 

The worst part about your personal law is that you are consciously putting out a command to the universe telepathically whether you speak or not. In the case above, you would be putting out: “People don’t give me what I want!” Others have to respond to you appropriately. If you didn’t know you has a personal law (most of us don’t), then you might wonder why others get what they want and you don’t.

After you start breathing consciously (QLB) you will eventually get in touch with your “personal law” Is your most dominant negative thought about yourself). I would rather get you in touch with this sooner; since it is the culprit of your mind. So here goes. Please fill in this sentence;

Make sure there is a subject and a verb

My most negative thought about myself is ——-

Your personal law is the cornerstone of the Ego

Believe me, until you get rid of that thought, life is going to be very hard for you! Your personal law is the cornerstone of the Ego (collection of limited thoughts you have about yourself). It is the one thought that is the major block to your happiness and aliveness. The trouble is that you are addicted to that thought. You have had it since birth or before. Perhaps you even brought it with you from a past life. Worse still, you have been trying to prove that it is right! This is how your ego has you tricked!

(If you find your personal law and you want a good affirmation for it feel free to contact me I shall give you a good affirmation to work with.)

It is important to understand this basic principle of metaphysics: What you believe to be true, You create. This means that if you believe your personal law (which you did buy into somewhere down the line), you will create a situation to prove it so.

The purpose of the ego is to “seek love but never find it” and you will probably encounter a lot of resistance as the Ego tries to hang on to the thought and tries to prove to you that you are not of God. Don’t let the Ego rule! Go for Heaven! Two of the worst thoughts of the Ego are (1) death is inevitable and (2) your personal law (most negative thought about yourself ). Both of these are just thoughts you can change. However, when the Ego is threatened, it puts up great resistance.

There may also be fear because you know that if you gave up that personal law you would have a tremendous increase in energy. This is true If you are afraid of energy it is probably because you are afraid of God.

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